Altar Servers
Altar Servers at Christ the King
About Us
There has been a strong team of servers at Christ the King for many years now. Our service to God and the parish is a privilege and a joy. Our young servers are trained and guided by the few adult servers we have and the other senior servers in the team.
We work together to ensure that the liturgy runs in a smooth and prayerful manner in accordance with the rubrics of the church and the preferences of the Parish Priest.
Our servers learn life skills of teamwork, self-sufficiency, leadership, and the importance of following instructions. They learn more about the liturgy and the history of the Mass, origins of feast days and even a little Latin.
Want to Join Us?
We welcome those of all ages who have made their First Holy Communion and live within the parish.
What to Expect
You will have an initial training session of about two hours and then you will start serving under the guidance of the MC and senior members of the team. After about a year and all being well, you will be invited to join The Archconfraternity of St Stephen, the guild to which we belong.
Whilst most recruits are still at school there is a need for adult servers to keep the team running long-term. At the age of eighteen we tend to lose our servers to further education and when they live away from the parish. They help out when they are home but naturally this tends to be just the holidays.