Laudato Si’

The Earth is in crisis

Christ the King Chingford

The climate is changing at an alarming rate affecting the lives of the poorest who are the most vulnerable to it. And we are likely to be affected too. Pope Francis calls this an ‘ecological crisis.’ He reminds us that creation is a gift from God. We have a common responsibility to care for our common home of which we are all part. We have the knowledge and technology to repair the damage, yet because of the way we live our lives we choose not to and this is adversely affecting our planet.

Laudato Si’

Pope Francis has written a letter to everyone on the planet …

Please visit the Laudato Si’ Action Platform

Change of heart

Let’s begin with the heart because if we care about something we will do something about it. Faith contributes to how we feel and provides us with our own personal framework. Lockdown has shown that nature is good for us, and nurtures our mental wellbeing as well as our souls. Now is a time to reconnect with what we value when we see the consequences of our actions on the environment. We pray for the grace of a true conversion of heart. Look at the goodness and beauty of creation, reflect and allow yourself to change in a positive way.

Ecological conversion

So what they all need is an “ecological conversion,” whereby the effects of their encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in their relationship with the world around them. Pope Francis Laudato Si’ 217

The Church

There is a new spirituality in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis has connected everything for us in Laudato Si.’ We give thanks for the organisation of the Church, which already provides us with a structure, enabling us to get on and do things. This is the place where some might say, you will find others to change the world with.

The Catholic Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales

As Christians we are inspired to be good stewards of the earth, to conserve and protect God’s creation and the earth’s resources

The Catholic Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales

The CBCEW established the Environment Advisory Group (EAG) with Rt Rev. John Arnold, Bishop of Salford as the lead. Its purpose is to make a practical response to Laudato Si’. Each diocese is preparing its own environmental policy in place. Fr Dominic Howarth, is leading an Environmental Policy Group for the Diocese of Brentwood.

For more information visit:


We cannot fix the situation ourselves but the Lord can. We need to trust in God and have Christian hope. Without this, some may claim that our desire for a good future is not only difficult to achieve but impossible.

Christ the King Chingford

Let us Dream: The Path to a Better Future

This book is by Pope Francis and sets out a contemporary discipleship that helps us understand God’s closeness to the earth and the poor. It is based on the Pope’s remarkable Encyclical letter called Laudato Si’ (meaning ‘praise be to you’) and is the most published papal document.

Pope’s Prayer Intention for July 2024

Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick grant the Lord’s strength to those who
receive it and to their loved ones, and that it may become for everyone an ever more visible sign of compassion and hope.

The Portal Magazine

The Portal is the free online magazine of The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, published on the first day of each month. See more You can also listen to a different podcast each Saturday evening via the same link.

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