Live Simply

Christ the King Chingford

Lent 2022

Lent is a time when we usually challenge ourselves to make some alternative choices about our lifestyle and is perhaps, an ideal time to personally commit to three lifestyle changes towards healing the planet. Fill in a pledge card in the porch and pin the green part to the noticeboard. Think about things like food, clothing, the natural world, plastic, energy and transport.

Two special film screenings

The Live Simply Group is hosting two film screenings during Lent in the Church Hall. These films are in response to Pope Francis Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ on caring for our common home.

Christ the King Chingford

‘Global Healing’ on Saturday 26th March 2.00-4.00pm (refreshments from 1.30pm with prompt 2pm start). This film is in three parts with discussion in between. Please register for a place.

Christ the King Chingford

‘Global Caring’ on Saturday 2nd April 2.00-4.00pm (refreshments from 1.30pm with prompt 2pm start). This film works as a stand-alone film or as a companion film to Global Healing. This film is also in three parts with discussion in between. Please register for a place.

Living life more simply

We can choose to live sustainably with creation. The LiveSimply award encapsulates this ethos beautifully with lots of ideas for living life more simply and in solidarity with those in poverty.

Call to action

We are looking to form a team of people who would like to put their faith into action. The Livesimply award from CAFOD is awarded to communities that can demonstrate they have been living simply, in solidarity with people in poverty and sustainably. CAFOD has a range of documents ablout Livesimply that you can download from its website:

The Livesimply award is the first step in our ‘ecological conversion’ see Laudato Si’. Each and every one of us can help to repair the damage to our planet by making small changes. When these are added together we can make a difference. Not only will we be living life more fully but also inspiring others by making visible the results of our actions. The Holy Spirit can motivate us to act.

All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.

Pope Francis Laudato Si’ 14


Taking action to defend our common home. Cafod’s campaign called ‘Reclaim Our Common Home’ shows us how we can take an active role. In January 2021 CAFOD launched its campaign called ‘Reclaim our common home,’ in relation to Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter called Fratelli Tutti, based on fraternity and social friendship. Building a better post pandemic society is the challenge ahead. CAFOD believes that transformation is possible but it requires action. And there are two key issues:

Cancel the debt, fund vaccines and save lives

According to CAFOD up to 150 million people could be pushed into extreme poverty because of Covid-19. Demand for debt repayments from some of the poorest countries across the world continue to be made by large banks and speculators. See more

Climate change

Climate change remains a huge threat to poverty. CAFOD is campaigning for a reduction in fossil fuels. See more

To find out more see COP26

More resources

To get involved locally please see Brentwood Diocesan Laudato Si’ Invitations, Commitments and Actions

If you are interested in helping the parish of Christ the King work towards the Livesimply award please email us: and put live simply in the subject header.

Pope’s Prayer Intention for September 2024

We pray that we may listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth, and to the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis; may each of us make a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit.

The Portal Magazine

The Portal is the free online magazine of The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, published on the first day of each month. See more You can also listen to a different podcast each Saturday evening via the same link.

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